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Claimed by Aliens [Claimed 1] (Siren Publishing LoveXtreme Forever) Read online

Page 2

  “It’s not so bad,” Kyle said reassuringly. He reached over Chloe and caressed Rick’s muscular chest. Was it weird right now that she really wanted to lick both of them all over? Chloe shook her head. Fuck, apparently weird was the theme for today.

  “I claimed you last night,” Rick finally said in a deep, quiet voice.

  Chloe shook her head. “I have no idea what that means.”

  “When I pricked you with my tongue last night, it began a change in you.”

  “That’s what the sting was? You injected me with something.”

  “Sort of,” Rick said quietly. “I have a barb on my tongue. When it pierced your skin it added my DNA to yours. It will change you.”

  “On a genetic level,” Kyle said, “but it’s not noticeable in a physical sense. And it has far more advantages than problems.”

  “Huh?” Chloe asked. Seriously, she’d sucked at science in high school. She had no idea what the fuck they were trying to say.

  “It means that human men won’t even notice you.”

  Chloe laughed softly. “Considering the fact they don’t notice me now that’s not necessarily a side effect.”

  “But my species will notice and know that you’re claimed by my family.”


  Kyle crawled over them both, his warm naked skin sliding over Chloe’s as he moved to Rick’s other side and caressed his face softly. Rick seemed truly upset by what had happened, but Chloe still didn’t understand what it meant. From this angle Kyle could see her face and he reached over to touch her cheek affectionately as well.

  “It means, sweetie, that you’ll be spending a whole lot more time in bed with us.”

  She raised an eyebrow and smirked. After last night, that didn’t sound like such a horrible idea.

  “And our podmates,” Rick said guiltily.

  “Pod…mates?” Chloe asked. Why the hell didn’t she know he had family? Her roommate had brought home a good-looking, smart, intelligent, caring man. Why the hell hadn’t she thought to ask if he had relatives? But then the meaning of his words sank in. “Podmates? As in more than one? As in…brothers?”

  Okay, maybe she was just a little freaked out.

  “No, sugar,” Rick said, his hand reaching over to touch her check affectionately. “My mates. My family. I suppose on Earth you would call them my husbands.”

  “Your husbands? You’re married?” As soon as that stupid question came out of her mouth she wanted to take it back. Shouldn’t she be more interested in the fact that she’d just had sex with and been “claimed” by some kind of glow-in-the-dark alien?

  But it was the remorse on Rick’s face that confused her the most.

  “Didn’t you want to claim me?” she asked, feeling hurt by what seemed to be rejection. Hell, she hadn’t exactly asked for a commitment before diving headfirst into bed with the man…er…alien.

  “Oh, sugar, no,” Rick said, pulling her closer. “It’s not like that. I’ve wanted to claim you ever since I met you. We just—” He glanced at Kyle and her roommate nodded reassuringly. “We’re aliens to this planet, but we’re not monsters. I’m supposed to give you a choice, but last night…” He sighed and gave her another soft smile. “You were irresistible.”

  “Well, you were pretty irresistible yourself.”

  He laughed softly, his hand caressing her face. “You’re amazing, Chloe. I’m sorry I didn’t give you a choice, but I will never, ever regret claiming you.”

  She was still confused but she’d been more than half in love with Kyle—her supposedly bisexual-but-she’d-never-known-him-to-date-a-woman best friend—for a very long time, and she’d been lusting after his boyfriend for the past year. It was probably a bit weird, but they were her closest friends and she’d rather be in their bed than not.

  “So what happens next?” she asked, wanting to know whatever lay in her future.

  “Now you get to meet our podmates.”


  Kyle lifted his head and glanced at the clock behind him. “In about five minutes.”

  “What?” Chloe squeaked, again trying to crawl out of Rick’s embrace. “I need to get dressed.”

  “That would be a shame, sugar,” Rick said as his fingers moved over her back, down the crease of her ass, and pushed gently into her pussy. “They’re coming over to get acquainted.” She moaned as he started fucking her with his fingers. “It’s far easier without clothes on.”

  She nodded, finally understanding what he had in mind.

  “H–How many podmates do you have?” She was already gasping as her arousal grew.

  Kyle groaned as Rick wrapped his fingers around the man’s hard cock. “Not counting you and Kyle, only three,” Rick whispered, “and they’re all going to love you.”

  Chapter Two

  Noco opened the door to Kyle and Chloe’s apartment and tried to tamp down his excitement. He’d met Chloe a time or two when he’d been visiting Kyle so he already understood why Rick had accidentally claimed her. Simply put, the woman was lovely. Of course since Noco had visited Kyle supposedly just as a friend, it was likely Chloe didn’t even remember him.

  He glanced at Joal and wondered if his podmate would agree that Chloe was perfect for them. Joal had been the least enthusiastic about traveling to this planet but with the severe shortage of Jernodrian dal-sheras it had become necessary to search for mates on other planets. They’d actually been very lucky to find a planet inhabited by a compatible, sentient species. Many of the other travelers from their world had reported finding no life at all on the planets they visited.

  It had taken the Jernodrian High Council and some very swift changes in law to halt the frantic rush to Earth by desperate family pods seeking dal-sheras as well. Truly they were very blessed to be here at all.

  As it was, the Jernodrian High Council had set some pretty specific rules to try and control the risk of their exposure as aliens on this planet. From the phone call Noco had gotten in the middle of last night, it would seem that Rick had forgotten at least one of them. Hopefully Chloe would forgive him. Otherwise they could all be in a heap of trouble.

  Noco smiled as he heard the sounds coming from the bedroom. His cock rose hard and thick, lengthening painfully just at the sweet sounds of both of their human mates crying out in orgasm at the same time.

  “He always was a show-off,” Varn said with a wicked grin.

  “It makes it easier when you’re as big as he is,” Joal grumbled good-naturedly.

  “Humans call that penis envy,” Varn threw back at him, grinning at the annoyance on their lover’s face. As newly bonded mates, the two of them had taken a perverse satisfaction in driving each other nuts—despite the age difference that should have negated such rivalry. The past year had proven that a change of planet hadn’t changed their personalities in the slightest. At least their arguments had never ended in physical altercations. Rick and Noco had dragged them apart many times since Varn had joined the pod, but there had been no real risk of violence. Ironically, the arguments were often because they both loved so passionately that it was too easy for misunderstandings to occur. Some days it was hell keeping a pod together happily, and none of them had any idea what was going to happen now that their family had grown to six.

  Not wanting to startle their newest family member, Noco and Varn stopped at the doorway to Kyle’s bedroom and let Joal go in first.

  * * * *

  Joal stepped into the room quietly, grateful when his podmates remained behind, giving both Kyle and Chloe some space. They’d discussed many times the idea of bringing Chloe into their little family, but according to Kyle and Rick she’d always been hell bent on building her career and finding the perfect husband, so they’d long ago decided it wasn’t fair to ask her to leave behind everything she knew.

  But unexpectedly last night everything had changed.

  Rick gave him a guilty-looking smile as Joal approached the bed, but it was the two humans he held in his
arms that drew Joal’s attention. Chloe seemed to be asleep, so he moved to Kyle’s side and couldn’t resist running a hand over his lover’s naked skin. They’d all been in love with this man for quite a long while, but Kyle had only let Rick claim him a couple of weeks ago. Joal and Noco both believed Kyle’s resistance had been more about wanting Chloe to be happy with a family of her own before leaving the planet than the fact he’d likely never come home to Earth again.

  “Hello, lover,” Kyle said, rolling over to offer his mouth for a kiss. Unable to deny his podmate, Joal leaned over the naked human and took his lips gently, not wanting to wake Chloe. He felt Rick’s hand run through his hair affectionately at the same time that Kyle groaned, pulled him closer, and opened his mouth wider. Joal took the invitation, thrusting his tongue into his podmate’s sweet cavern, licking every part he could reach as he partially settled his fully clothed body over Kyle’s naked one.

  The arm that slid between them and caressed his cock through his human-style clothes had him groaning both in discomfort and need.

  “Later,” Rick said, his hand retreating as Joal lifted his head and Kyle moaned in disappointment. “Chloe, this is one of our husbands, Joal.”

  Joal grinned at the description. They’d been trying to assimilate into human culture for quite some time now, so he knew what the word meant, but he was fairly certain humans rarely used the word “husband” with “our” in front of it or in the plural form like that.

  “Hi,” Chloe said, squirming closer to Rick and seemingly embarrassed by her state of undress. She was shaped very differently to Kyle, but Joal had no complaints. The woman was stunning, her smooth skin tempting him to touch. But if he understood anything about the frantic phone call they’d received several hours ago, touching was probably not something she would welcome right now. To her, he was merely a stranger who she’d somehow ended up bonded to without truly being asked.

  As much as Joal wanted to sample her beautiful body, their first real meeting might go more smoothly if he backed off for a little while. He glanced over his shoulder and easily read the concern on both Noco’s and Varn’s faces. Carefully lifting off Kyle, he sat beside him on the edge of the bed, his hand resting on Kyle’s thigh as his podmate rolled over to face Chloe.

  Chloe was watching him with worried eyes, and Joal finally found the strength to back away completely. It was obvious that in the bright light of day she was beginning to feel overwhelmed. That didn’t bode well for the future they all had planned. Feeling a slight swell of panic, he searched his brain for something intelligent to say.

  “Would you like a cup of coffee?” Noco asked from the doorway. Thankfully it seemed to “break the ice” as humans would say, and Chloe nodded and smiled gratefully. Joal cursed himself silently. He should have remembered her love for coffee. Kyle always talked about his human best friend and her search for the perfect beverage. Joal made a mental note to purchase as much of it as they could carry home.

  “I would love a coffee,” she said with a shy smile. “Would…would it be rude if I had a quick shower? I just…” Her words trailed away as she glanced at their podmates hovering in the doorway.

  “Okay,” Kyle said with a mischievous smile, “everybody out.”

  Rick laughed at their bossy human podmate but did as he was told. He managed to kiss Chloe and then Kyle passionately before lifting himself off the bed, though.

  Joal wasn’t sure what Kyle had in mind, but he knew the man cared deeply for Chloe, so he trusted him to guide them in how to handle this. Joal hugged his human husband as he lifted off the bed and then stepped toward the door and headed for the kitchen.

  * * * *

  “Th–Thanks,” Chloe whispered as the four aliens left the room, closing the door behind them.

  Kyle could see the beginnings of panic in Chloe’s eyes. She rarely made a quick decision, often overthinking things until she knew every pro and con and had anticipated every possible problem. Last night’s quick decision had been an aberration, but one Kyle had fully supported. He already loved Rick, Joal, Noco, and Varn. They were wonderful men, even if they were technically not men, and Kyle had been pleased to learn that they’d wanted Chloe in the family.

  He’d only hesitated because Chloe had always seemed to dream of more traditional things. Marrying into a family of aliens didn’t seem to be something she would want. Until last night. He’d been shocked to find her in his room, Rick’s arms wrapped around her, her arousal very clear in her eyes, but it had felt so right to include her.

  Yet now, in the bright light of what should have been just another Saturday morning, it was clear that Chloe was starting to freak out.

  “Would you like to use my bathroom?” he offered, suspecting that Chloe didn’t really want to leave the safety of his bedroom just yet.

  “Thank you,” she said again, this time with a nod as she dragged the sheet from the bed and wrapped it around her beautiful body. Awkwardly she tried to climb onto her feet. Kyle rushed around the bed and offered her his hand. She took it, but frowned at him as she stood up.

  “I thought you were gay.”

  “I told you right from the beginning that I was bi,” he said with a smile. “Didn’t you believe me?”

  “Why would I?” she asked, apparently more comfortable with this subject than the others they needed to discuss. “I’ve never seen you with a woman, only men.”

  “That’s very simple,” he said, glad for the chance to tell her now. “You’re the only woman I ever wanted.”

  “I am? Why didn’t you say anything?”

  He shrugged, a little bit sad that he’d been in love with her for so long but that she’d apparently never noticed. “You seemed determined to find a hard-working husband and build a traditional life with your house in the suburbs and two-point-three children.” He blushed slightly, embarrassed to admit the rest but feeling it necessary to clear the air. “I never said anything because I knew I couldn’t give you that. I love you, but I would never have been truly happy living a monogamous hetero life. I know that sooner or later I would have needed a man in my life, too.”

  She nodded slowly. He knew her well enough to know that her brain was moving a hundred miles an hour as she processed everything that had happened in the past twelve hours.

  “What Rick did last night by claiming me, does that mean I’m sort of married to you as well?”

  “Absolutely,” he said, wrapping his arms around her and pulling her close. They’d cuddled like this over the years, but this time he didn’t hide the fact that he wanted more than friendship.

  She gave him a wide-eyed look and glanced down to where their lower bodies were pressed together.

  “I…um…That’s not something I ever expected.”

  “I know, sweetie,” he said, moving away and trying to will his cock back under control. “Let’s just take one step at a time. Rick truly does love you, and Joal, Noco, and Varn are wonderful men. I know they’ll do everything they can to make sure you’re happy.” He pressed a kiss to her forehead, wanting to share more but not willing to overwhelm her again. “And I promise to do everything I can to help you adjust. Like I said, there are more pros than cons to being claimed by aliens.”

  “Oh, yeah?” she asked, her left eyebrow rising in a skeptical arch. “Like what?”

  “Like the fact that the DNA changes will make you stronger and allow you to live longer without aging.”

  “Uh-huh?” she said in her stop-bullshitting-me tone.

  He shook his head and smiled. “Sweetie, you really need to learn to trust occasionally.”

  Again she arched that eyebrow, her expression endearingly familiar.

  Kyle laughed softly. “I promise you’ll never regret what happened last night.” He touched her face again, unable to hold back his need for her now that she was part of his newly formed family. “Let’s get cleaned up and I’ll introduce you to our other two podmates.”

  She gave him an uncertain smile, but did
n’t resist when he stayed in the bathroom and stepped into the shower behind her. They washed quickly, the touching between them more accidental than by design, but it was enough for now. She wasn’t freaking out. She wasn’t denying their connection or trying to rationalize what had happened last night.

  They had time. Kyle would make certain she had time to adjust if she needed it, no matter how anxious their husbands were likely to be now they had no reason to stay longer on Earth. As Kyle understood it, each bonded pod could claim two humans only. With Chloe already claimed their family was complete so there was no doubt in Kyle’s mind that they’d want to go home soon.

  What he hadn’t expected was for Rick to lose control and claim Chloe their first time together. Last night had been an unexpected gift for them both, but the devastation on Rick’s face when he’d realized what he’d done had been heartbreaking. It had taken a lot of talking for Kyle to reassure him that everything would be okay.

  Perhaps encouraging Rick to spend so much time with him and Chloe outside of the bedroom had distorted the length of the relationship in his mind. Whatever had happened, for better or worse, what was done was done. The six of them could still be happy together. They just needed to give Chloe a chance to get used to the idea.

  * * * *

  Rick didn’t bother getting dressed. Not only had Joal, Noco, and Varn seen him naked a thousand times, but they were very tactile beings and touch was an important part of their relationship. He had a feeling that his podmates were going to need his comfort right now. Hell, probably almost as much as he needed them.

  He’d screwed up last night.