An Unexpected Love (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 11
But Jay being Jay, he stopped and he waited and he checked she was all right, and she fell in love with him even more deeply.
Ryan and Jay both made love to her then, Jay’s cock caressing her inside, Ryan’s hands caressing her outside, their eyes showing their love and affection so very clearly that she grinned in reply and urged Jay to move faster. Over and over she met him stroke for stroke, lifting her hips to meet him as he gained confidence that she wasn’t about to panic.
It felt so incredible, so amazing, that she almost didn’t notice the orgasm that hovered just out of reach, her need to show her love for these two amazing men overruling all else.
The keening noise that left her mouth made them both grin, the sound somehow incredibly erotic. She undulated underneath their touch, reveling in her newfound freedom, her newest achievement, her ability to overcome…
Her breath hitched as memories assaulted her, her mind racing with the beginnings of panic. “It’s okay, baby girl,” Ryan said in a deep, smooth voice, “we’ve got you.”
And they did, they truly did have her. Orgasm burst through her as love overruled fear, as courage overcame worry, and new memories were made. Kat pulled her men close, no longer fearful of not being able to get away.
This was where she belonged, in their bed, in their arms, and in their hearts forever.
“We’re so proud of you, Kat,” Jay said with a soft kiss to her temple. He grinned as he pulled away. “You better get some rest. I’ve got a feeling we’re all going to want to do that again really soon.”
“And quite often,” Ryan added, kissing her again and again as Jay went to take care of the condom. He was back quickly, sliding into bed, and then his arms were around her as they both lay in Ryan’s comforting embrace.
As she drifted off to sleep, Kat realized she knew one thing for absolute certain. She loved two incredible men and they loved her back. The three of them would rely on and support each other for the rest of their lives. Together they would face the world, side by side through thick and thin, good times and bad, in sickness and in health, and through tragedy and celebration.
And nothing could be more perfect than that.
Ryan stepped into an apartment filled with the most delicious, mouth-watering aromas. How clever were he and Kat to have fallen in love with a man who could cook? Two amazing years of the three of them together and some days he still had to pinch himself when he realized how blessed he truly was.
“Perfect timing,” Jay said with a wide smile as he looked up from whatever he was stirring on the stovetop. “Kat just called and she’s on her way home as well. We might just get to have a full meal together this time.”
Jay grinned as Ryan stepped into the kitchen area, wrapped his arms around his lover, and smacked his bottom playfully. It was true that with the incompatible hours the three of them worked it was rare that they all got to have dinner at the same time but it was officially their second anniversary together.
They held each other closer for a while, before Jay asked very quietly, “Do you ever think about it?”
Ryan didn’t need to ask what Jay was referring to.
“I try not to, but I suppose it will always be there in the back of my mind.”
Anniversaries inevitably stirred up memories of what had brought them together. Whenever Kat was late home, their fear for her grew quickly. Fortunately the woman who’d always been fashionably late was now the most punctual person they both knew, and if she was running late she made certain to call them.
“Kat seems to have gotten her confidence back,” Jay said with a proud smile.
Ryan nodded in agreement.
It went a long way to stilling the low hum of panic that had held them both in its grip for that first year. Jay had blamed himself for a long time, but it had been Kat’s reminder that he’d been responsible for her kickboxing skills that had finally allowed him to let go of that guilt. Kat’s well-placed foot had been the difference between being beaten or being beaten and raped. Thankfully, her attacker’s plea for mercy in court had fallen on unsympathetic ears. When the sentencing judge had seen medical records and photos of Kat’s extensive injuries and then learned it had all been done before she’d kicked her attacker hard enough for him to require corrective surgery on his testicles, the judge had given him the maximum sentence.
Ryan had heard a rumor that in his first year in prison the man had gotten a taste of what it was like to be on the other side of a beating, but he’d never bothered to verify it. What did or did not happen to the man who’d given Kat life threatening injuries was no longer their concern. Once the judge had sentenced him, Kat had vowed to never let the man affect her life again.
So far she’d done a damn good job.
She’d even helped him come to terms with his sister’s murder so long ago. Despite having only been seventeen at the time, Ryan had carried a lot of guilt that he hadn’t been able to save her. Yet Kat, with her big heart and quiet determination, had helped him realize the negative emotions—the guilt, the anger, the hate—overshadowed his memories. He’d let his sister’s murder be the only part of her to linger in his mind. Once he’d managed to move past that he’d remembered all of the good times they’d had growing up.
Kat had helped him to claw back more of his memories about his sister and the person she’d been, and for that he’d be forever grateful.
Ryan was at the elevator doors when they opened, pulling her into his arms as Jay moved to wrap them both in his embrace.
“Happy anniversary, baby girl.”
She smiled and lifted onto her toes to kiss him. As always, the kiss turned carnal, his need for both of his lovers always flaring white hot in an instant. He was ready to tear their clothes off and make love to them both right now, but Jay’s quite laugh and soft words finally broke through the sensual haze.
“Sorry,” Ryan said with a soft laugh of his own. “I suppose it would be better to eat dinner while it’s hot.”
“But save that thought for afterward,” Kat said with a sassy wink, “because I have a surprise for you both.”
“Surprise?” Jay asked happily. “I like surprises.”
“I know,” Kat said as she turned and pressed her lips to his, “but you have to feed me first. It’s a rule.”
“Well then,” Jay said as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders and led her and Ryan into the hallway, “you’ve got time enough for a quick shower.” He gave Ryan a wink as he stepped away. “But no starting without me. Dinner will be ready in eight minutes so you don’t have time.”
“Eight minutes?” Kat asked, teasing the man as she pretended to wonder how much they could do in such sort time. “I suppose we can forgo the fun stuff for now.”
“Good girl,” Jay said and then leaned in to press a kiss to her lips. “The clock is ticking.”
She laughed, wrapped her fingers around Ryan’s and dragged him down the rest of the hallway.
“We have to hurry,” she whispered as soon as they reached the bedroom. She handed him a small shopping bag as she started stripping off. He glanced at the surprise she’d mentioned, his eyes widening and his cock filling as he realized what it was.
“Are you sure, baby girl?”
She gave him such a beautiful smile that he fell in love with her just a little bit more.
* * * *
Jay gave his lovers a mock frown, certain by the flush on Kat’s face that they’d gotten up to more than just showering. He didn’t mind. He loved to be involved of course, but there had never been any jealousy between the three of them.
Ryan tilted his head slightly, the secretive smile suggesting he knew something Jay didn’t. He pressed his lips to Jay’s and then helped him carry the meals to the table. Jay turned a concerned frown Kat’s way when she hissed slightly as she sat down, but neither she nor Ryan offered an explanation.
As always when they finally got a chance to enjoy a
meal together, they took their time, both of his lovers complimenting him on his cooking skills. It was quite amazing. It didn’t matter how successful his restaurant was or how many compliments he got from customers. It was the appreciation from these two people that truly lifted his spirits.
But as the meal progressed, Kat began to squirm, her obvious arousal inciting his own, his hard cock making concentrating on a conversation far more difficult than it should have been.
“Are you okay, Kat?” he asked, as he glanced at Ryan for a clue.
“Maybe you should show him,” Ryan said cryptically. “Come here, baby girl.”
She stood up, her cheeks rosy red as Ryan pushed his chair away from the table and pulled her facedown over his lap. Jay was a tad confused, and perhaps concerned, by Ryan’s actions. The two of them had explored a little bit of Dom-sub play, but never with Kat around. After everything that happened to her they’d had no intentions of exposing her to the rougher style of sex they shared.
And besides, when Kat was with them it didn’t feel necessary.
But none of that explained why Ryan would suddenly pull her facedown over his knee.
He laughed softly as he lifted Kat’s skirt to reveal she wasn’t wearing panties. He partially covered her pussy and ass with his big hand, his fingers caressing gently over her wet labia, “Your bottom is blushing as much as your face,” Ryan said in a teasing tone. She giggled, wiggling her hips as he caressed her bottom. “Are you ready to show Jay your surprise, baby girl?”
She nodded against his leg, gasping as Ryan pushed several fingers into her pussy and rubbed the wrist area of his arm between her butt cheeks. Jay could feel Ryan watching him as he very slowly moved his hand away, his wet fingers trailing from her pussy up to the purple base of a butt plug.
“Kat?” Jay asked in a voice filled with wonder, “does this mean what I think it means?”
“Of course,” she said as she lifted her head to look over her shoulder. “I want you to fuck my ass.”
Ryan smacked her bottom, the swat a mere touch and nothing like the spanking he’d given Jay a few days ago. At the time that had been the most erotic experience of Jay’s entire life, but this—Kat offering to share this experience with him, with them—almost had him panting with need. Hell, if his breathing got any faster he would be.
“Bedroom,” Ryan said as he stood and lifted Kat over his shoulder like a sack of grain. She giggled and pushed her hands inside his pants, growling her annoyance when the belt he wore wouldn’t let her push the material down his legs.
By the time they made it to the bedroom they were all laughing at Kat’s antics. A few moments later all three of them were naked. Ryan helped her onto the bed, and then stretched out beside her and handed a bottle of lube to Jay.
“On your belly, Kat,” Ryan said as he urged her to roll into the same position Jay had taken more than two years ago. “It’ll be more comfortable for your first time.”
Memories of that amazing and unexpectedly emotional experience washed over Jay and he trembled again at the gift Kat was giving them. It had been more than a year since she’d shown any signs of the phobias and fears the attack had left her with, but they’d still taken care not to frighten her. There was no way a woman could go through an experience like that and not be changed, but it was Kat’s core strength—her determination to not let it stop her from living the life she wanted—that continually left him in awe of the woman.
Men who thought women were weak were absolute fools.
But instead of following Ryan’s instruction, Kat instead crawled over the top of him, her thighs on either side of his narrow hips, her pussy aligned with his hard cock.
“What are you doing, baby girl?” Ryan asked with a happy smile.
“We should have shared this a long time ago,” she said leaning over to kiss Ryan and giving Jay a perfect view of her ass. They kissed passionately for a few moments, the strength of their love for each other so very obvious. Watching the two people he loved grow closer over the past two years had been the most amazing part of their unusual relationship. He’d never felt left out or unwelcome. Seeing them together—in bed and out—had always made him feel like he was part of something incredible.
Seeing them together now made his heart pound harder with love for them both.
It took a few more moments for the meaning of Kat’s words to coalesce in his brain.
“You want both of us inside you at the same time?”
She looked over her shoulder and gave him a sassy smile. “Of course.”
“We don’t want to hurt you,” he said, feeling a little off balance. “Or–Or scare you.”
“I won’t be scared,” she said with another brilliant smile. “I’ll be pressed between two men who love me.” When he hesitated still, she added very seriously. “I won’t let you hurt me, Jay. I promise to let you know if anything feels bad.”
“Promise?” he asked as he lay down on the mattress next to their lover. Kat nodded as Ryan wrapped a strong arm around Jay and pulled him close, perhaps also remembering Kat’s fear of being approached from behind. It had taken more than a year and several attempts for her to feel comfortable letting either of them fuck her from behind. But this was her first time with anal sex. Maybe she should get used to that before taking them both inside her. He ruthlessly squashed the need building inside him. As much as he wanted to experience this with his lovers it wasn’t worth undoing all of Kat’s recovery. He could live ten lifetimes and not regret missing out on sharing this experience if it meant Kat would be happy and emotionally whole.
“It’s okay, babe,” Ryan said as he and Kat both moved to caress their hands over his chest. “Kat is going to stick that pretty bottom in the air for you to fuck. If she still wants to try taking both of us after that, then we’ll attempt it.” He leaned over and pressed a kiss to Jay’s temple. “I’ll be right here to make certain that she’s okay. Trust me, babe.”
“Always,” Jay promised fervently. Ryan had never given him a moment of doubt. Even during that awful confrontation two years ago Jay hadn’t doubted the man loved him—despite his own angry words—but when the true reason for his attempt to step back had become apparent Jay had loved him even more. As horrible as the fight was to remember it had been the beginning of an amazing relationship so he would never be able to regret it. “I love you, Ry.”
Ryan rolled slightly onto his side, his hand moving to steady Kat even as he stared into Jay’s eyes. “I love you, too,” he said very seriously. The grin that followed was purely carnal. “Now, I need you to fuck our wife’s ass while I watch.”
“Yes, Sir,” he said, actually meaning the term of respect rather than being the smart-ass he might have sounded by the tone. He’d discovered quite a fondness for taking orders from this man, but he had no intention of mentioning that to Kat at this moment. She was already proving she possessed her own kinky streak, so maybe she wouldn’t be as shocked as he’d feared. But all of that could wait until tomorrow. Right now he had a beautiful wife to share a very new experience with.
He didn’t really have much experience with butt plugs—well, not from this end—so he tried very hard to remember what had felt amazing for him. He poured lube onto his fingers, warming the gel a little before he very carefully pressed his fingers under the broad head of the plug, his wife’s soft whimpers of delight helping to boost his confidence. He gently eased the plug out of her ass, glancing at Ryan to make certain Kat wasn’t in any pain. His lover gave him a confident grin, nodded, and then pulled Kat’s upper body closer to his. She went willingly, pressing her cheek to his chest and lifting her bottom just a little higher.
Hesitantly, at first, he began to pull the plug from her ass and then push it back in, his own cock growing impossibly harder as she whimpered in delight. Again and again he pushed and pulled, the soft plastic plug far larger than he’d expected.
He trailed his other hand to her pussy, the wet, slippery lips confirming what
her soft sounds suggested. He pushed two fingers inside her, finger fucking her in counterpoint to the movement of the plug.
“Oh, wow,” Kat said breathlessly as she started to shake. “Please, Jay.”
Her pussy gripped his fingers tighter as he started to fuck her faster, pushing his fingers deeper and more forcefully with each pass. She shook wildly, sort of shuffling on her knees as if she couldn’t decide whether to pull away or move closer. He felt Ryan’s fingers join his, the added torment of having her clit rubbed throwing Kat into chaos, her ass and pussy pulsing in counterpoint as orgasm overwhelmed her. She shivered, moaning softly as she undulated against them, her climax, as always, so terribly beautiful to witness.
They gave her a chance to come down from that high, gentling their caresses as she slowly worked through the exhaustion and started to squirm again.
“Hold still, baby girl,” Ryan said as he again wrapped his arms around her and pulled her down to press her hard against his chest. “Push out so that Jay can remove the plug.”
She did as she was told, her shivering starting all over again as Jay slowly pulled the toy from her ass. He quickly slicked up his cock with lube and pressed it against her anus.
“Kat, are you sure?” he asked, giving her one last chance to change her mind.
“Ab…solutely…sure,” she said in between panted breaths. “Need you right now.”
After that, he didn’t hesitate, carefully pushing his cock into her tight, hot passage as Ryan watched them and all three of them groaned in pleasure.
* * * *
Kat could barely believe the incredible rightness of being pressed between her men. For a long time she’d avoided this exact scenario, worried that she’d freak out and hurt them both with her misdirected fears. But right now, right at this moment, she couldn’t imagine any place she would rather be. She belonged here in their arms.
Jay’s cock was bigger and longer than the plug, so by the time he’d worked his way deep into her ass she felt impaled, completely possessed, so incredibly in love that she could barely comprehend it.